LIGA MX - Toluca showing interest in former Barça man Giovani Dos Santos

18.06.2021 01:52 of  Desk TransferMarketWeb  Twitter:    see readings
LIGA MX - Toluca showing interest in former Barça man Giovani Dos Santos
© photo Daniele Buffa/Image Sport

According to Fox Sports, Giovanni Dos Santos has raised interest from Toluca FC. Giovani was recently dropped from America's squad after failing to meet club expectations in comparison to the high wages that Gio earned. His inflated salary has made it difficult for the common club to make any offers that would appeal to the player and club. This has limited any potential move to only Mexico's top teams. Alternatively, the ex Barcelona player may need to lower his salary expectations.

Giovani has had an impressive career, playing for Barcelona, Tottenham, and Villareal, amongst others. Giovani won quite a few international titles with Mexico. They are: 2005 Under 17 World Cup, 2012 Olympic Gold Medal, CONCACAF Gold Cup 2009, 2011 and 2015.